Building for use in a conda environment

I recommend building OMPL from source within a conda environment. This is almost necessary because no version of OMPL is packaged with python bindings. Also, acquiring a compatabile version of boost, python, and numpy at once is pretty difficult. The steps are as follows:

Install latest source from github.

git clone
cd ompl

Create your conda environment.

conda create -n my_ompl_env python=3.8 numpy boost
pip install pyplusplus


conda activate my_ompl_env
mkdir -p build/MyBuild
cd build/MyBuild
cmake ../.. \
      -DPYTHON_EXEC=$(which python) \
      -DBoost_ROOT=$CONDA_PREFIX \

It might complain about not finding boost_python3.8, but setting Boost_DEBUG to "true" will show that it does indeed find boost_python.

Build and install

make -j 32 update_bindings
sudo make -j 32 install